6 Incredible Chipmunk Facts


A great article about chipmunks should include a few facts about the tiny creatures. Whether you want to learn more about chipmunks’ personalities, habits, and social proclivities, read on. These adorable little creatures are extremely complex little mammals with a wide range of personality traits. Their living habits are very complex, too. Interestingly, chipmunks in captivity need nine hours of sleep each night to survive.

Chipmunk are rodent

Chipmunks are small, furry mammals that are closely related to squirrels. They have a brown back, black tail, stubby feet, and a short, pointed head. Their distinctive markings help them to easily be recognized. The following are some incredible chipmunk facts:

The species of chipmunks found in.North America are native to coniferous forests. Some are introduced to suburban areas. Their range extends to far northern areas. The eastern species live in coniferous forests and range into suburbia. Various species of rodents inhabit North America and northern Asia. They are considered pests in many areas, but the fact that chipmunks are not native to the region is an excellent reason to keep a watchful eye on them.

A chipmunk can easily spot a predator by its call. The calls of chipmunks are meant to alert other chipmunks in the area. Unlike red squirrels, chipmunks do not climb trees. They run back to their burrow when they feel threatened. In addition to food, chipmunks also like to feed on bird eggs and young birds. If they can’t find a tree to gnaw on, they will burrow underground.

Chipmunk are mammals

Did you know that chipmunks are amazing creatures? These mammals are rodents related to the squirrel. There are about 24 species of chipmunks in North America, and the Siberian species live in Europe and Asia. Chipmunks have complex personalities, diverse food preferences, and complex living habits. In captivity, chipmunks need at least nine hours of sleep a day, which is longer than humans’ average eight hours.

The eastern chipmunk is an early riser, spending most of the day foraging for food. It packs the food it finds into large pouches to bring back to its burrow. They are most active during early fall, gathering nuts and seeds that they will store for the winter. Their burrows are prone to predators. But, once winter arrives, these little guys start to wake up again.

These striped mammals are found in eastern and western U.S. They have separate ranges in the mountains, arid regions, and coastal areas. The Eastern and Siberian species live in the western United States. The Siberian and Eastern species are similar to each other and live in the same habitat. The eastern chipmunk has an arid range, while the western and Siberian species live on the Pacific Coast.

Chipmunk are small

Chipmunks are tiny rodents. Their body length ranges from eight to ten inches, with a three to four-inch tail. They weigh about two and a half to four ounces, depending on their size. They have blunt heads, long, stubby tails, and soft claws. Chipmunks live in wooded areas, where they are able to climb steep rock faces.

You probably remember chipmunks from your biology class, but you probably had no idea that these lively critters can live in captivity. Chipmunks are members of the Sciuridae family, and their primary occupation is collecting nuts. Perhaps you’ve even heard of chipmunks from Disney cartoons! Chipmunk brothers sang “Christmas Don’t Be Late!” in the famous “Chipmunk Christmas Song.”

In addition to their small size, they are highly active year-round. In fact, chipmunks can spend a month underground, and then never come out again. They spend much of the winter in torpor – a sort of intermittent hibernation – in order to save energy and make their food stores last longer. Unfortunately, this means that predators can easily enter the burrows of chipmunks and kill them.

Chipmunk are destructive

In fact, North American chipmunks are the most destructive rodents in the United States. These solitary rodents do not live in big colonies, and they only come together to mate twice a year. After mating, male and female chipmunks go their separate ways. The female rears the young, while the male mates with one or more females in June. These young chipmunks then leave the den, often destroying buildings.

As a result, chipmunks can be extremely destructive, and they can cause substantial damage to your home. Their burrowing can weaken the foundation of a home. Despite their small size, chipmunks are capable of destroying structures as large as houses. Additionally, they have been known to steal pet food, including food left out on a feeder. And don’t forget to check your bird feeders! These critters love bird feeders and will often raid them if you leave pet food out unattended. They also carry a virus similar to the flu, called Colorado Tick Fever. This is relatively mild in humans.

While they don’t chew on objects as big as humans do, chipmunks are highly destructive to yards and flower beds. They can destroy flower beds and soil, leaving pits, holes, and depressions in the ground. Their burrows are also damaging to structures in the yard, especially if they are on concrete or patios. Not only do chipmunks eat plants, they also gnaw on pet food bowls and bird feeders. If you want to prevent chipmunk damage, consider using a natural deterrent and strict measures to keep them out.

They are related to the squirrel

Incredibly similar to the squirrel, chipmunks live on the ground. In fact, their stripes continue to the head. In the wild, chipmunks are a common sight, and their stripes are even visible through their eyes. But unlike the famously cute cartoon characters, real chipmunks are not related to the squirrel. Rather, they are members of the same family: the Sciuridae. And like squirrels, chipmunks are found in many national parks.

The word chipmunk comes from the French tamia, indicating that the species belongs to the genus Tamias. In Quebec, chipmunks are known as “un suisse,” which means “striped critter.” The term was likely influenced by the striped uniforms worn by the Swiss Guards, who were often sent out to protect the Pope. In other countries, chipmunks are known by different names, including yellow-pine chipmunks, lodgepole chipmunks, and western gray chipmunks.

The least chipmunk mates in April and bears one litter of four to seven young that weigh 2.2 grams each. If the first litter fails to bear sufficient offspring, the female may attempt to have a second litter. Gestation and lactation last about 30 days and 60 days respectively. The young remain with their parents for six weeks before they are old enough to mate. However, if there is abundant food during the winter months, the offspring are too young to be able to mate.

Chipmunk Food

Chipmunks do not share burrows with other rodents. This helps them cache food in underground chambers and store it for the winter. In addition, they also eat buds, tubers, and mushrooms, and occasionally worms, snails, and even eggs from ground-nesting birds. While foraging, chipmunks use their elaborate burrows as a cover. They can have burrows 18 to 36 inches long and 30 feet long.