Cicada killer vs Japanese hornet
The eastern cicada killer wasps are a species of large wasps that possess transparent brown-colored wings. These eastern cicada killer wasps have a small brown head and a black-colored body with yellow stripes on the abdomen. The native cicada killer wasp is present in lowa. These stinging insects are not social. The female cicada killers are more dangerous than males. If we talk about stinging insect activity, only female cicada killers will sting if they are disturbed. These stinging insects send almost 500,000 people to hospitals. Cicada harboring trees occur in early May and late July.
Cicadas are solitary animals, building nests underground during season early July. In contrast, Japanese hornets, also called murder hornets or Asian giant hornets, with the scientific name Vespa mandarinia, is the largest hornet species. These are considered the world’s largest hornets. The geographic location of Asian giant hornets includes Japan, China, Sri Lanka, etc. The murder hornets possess a bright orange head, color amber-colored wings, black thorax, and alternating bands or solid bands of orange color on the black abdomen.
Murder hornets are the social insects that live in large colonies made up of drones, workers, and a queen. Females do not instinctively protect their nests. The males also show aggressive behavior though they don’t possess a stinger. These murder hornets build nests using burrows, animal tunnels, or near decaying tree roots. Furthermore, these stinging insects paralyze annual cicadas and use them as a food source for their developing larvae.
Studies have shown that murder hornets have made themselves a colony in the Pacific Northwest Washington state. There are many ways to tell the difference between hornet and cicada killer. It includes that a murder hornet is a great threat to honey bee populations. Unlike murder hornets, the cicada killer wasp is not a danger to honey bees or people. Their stinger can easily penetrate through thick protective material and make them hazardous for people. The nest-building process of these pests can be controlled via mulch planting beds and keeping the soil damp. We can safely remove hives to prevent these pests from coming back and call a pest control professional.
Cicada killer | Japanese hornet |
The cicada killer is present in various countries, including south Florida, New Mexico, the U.S, South Dakota, Canada, and Ontario. These animals inhabit well-drained, light-textured soils in full light present near forests and trees. | The Japanese hornet is present in various countries, including Mainland Southeast Asia, Russia, tropical and temperate East Asia, and South Asia. These animals’ habitat consists of low mountains and forests, avoiding flatlands and higher elevations. |
The wings of these animal species are amber. In addition, these large-sized cicadas possess dark brown or black-colored colorful yellow-colored markings on their abdomen’s segments. | These animal species possess black and orange-colored stripes that extend down their bodies, distinct sharp mandibles, and large-sized orange or red-colored heads with prominent eyes. |
Cicada killers require a proper diet to survive. They feed on various insects, fermented sap from trees, flower nectar, and large plants. | Like other animals, Japanese hornets need a proper diet to survive. For instance, tree sap, colonies of other insects, honey of honey bee colonies. |
The female ones lay eggs in a cell with one to three cicadas, dealing in the chamber. These animals remain stuck to the solitary animals’ normal pattern. The cells are then prepared and completed one after the other. | These are sociable small creatures that work together in a colony to look for foodstuff, care for the young ones, and grow the nest size. Therefore, they are called workers and cannot reproduce; that is the queens’ job. |
These are the largest solitary cicada killers, with females having an average length of 1.5 inches. In addition, female cicada killers weigh about one gram, and males weigh almost half as much. | The Asian hornets are the large-sized small creatures in the state. In addition, they possess an average length of between one and a half to two inches. These species weigh approximately more than an ounce. |
These cicada killers are not much aggressive and don’t cause a great threat to people, unlike other wasp species. Males with no stinger are more aggressive compared to females. Although females possess a stinger, they rarely sting and are docile. | These small insects are generally less aggressive than cicada killer wasps. They don’t attack pets or people but can do it if threatened. Asian giant hornets have more dangerous and longer stinger than other stinging insects and contain neurotoxins. |
These animals are clunky fliers with heavy wings. They can travel for almost 130 kilometers a day. However, locusts have lighter wings than cicadas. | These animals can travel longer distances of up to 100 kilometers per day with speeds of approximately 25 miles per hour. |
Cicadas make a buzzing noise and various warning colors on their bodies and wings, helping them escape from dangerous predators that see them as the meal. | The hives of Asian giant hornets are louder. Mattila says to Popular Science, “They tend to make these hives in rapid series that works like a siren and continue to repeat. |
The cicada killers have an average short lifespan of between 11 and 13 months in the wild. In contrast, they live only for a few hours in captivity, after which they die. | These animal species also live for a specific time, after which they die. For instance, the average lifespan of these hornets is approximately between 3 and 5 months. |
The literature review has not shown any real predator of these wasp species. However, small mammals, birds, and other insects are likely to be some predators. | There are no natural predators of these hornets within their native habitats. The biggest threat of these large creatures is humans that consume them as a part of their diet. |
Sometimes people get confused and raise questions about cicada killer vs. Japanese hornet to clear their minds. Therefore, the answers to some of those questions are as below;
Is a cicada killer like a hornet?
The cicada killer is a large wasp of great threat among people. They are aggressive and look like a yellow jacket or a giant hornet. These are not social wasps but are solitary wasps that will attack if handled directly.
What can kill a Japanese hornet?
It is recommended to apply a hornet killer and a Stryker wasp directly to the nests of hornets to destroy the nest so that all live hornets in the nest may get dead. You can also apply D-fense dust and Sylo insecticide to eliminate re-nesting.
Various animals are present throughout the world, each possessing unique identification characters to discriminate against them. The same is the case with a cicada killer vs. Japanese hornet. This blog post has provided exciting facts and information about these wasp species to make the people’s minds clear. It will help greatly if you read this article carefully.